Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Feb 1 Sacred Land/Sacred Landscape

O'Riley: Chapter 7: 280-303
Black Elk Chapter 1 ("The Offering of the Pipe") (pdf)
Read the article and look at the illustrations of the Ohioan Serpent Mound
reading 2

2.1 - Lecture notes

discussion on land on how land “created the Amer. Character”
Illusion of rugged individualism

Beginning of a Vision Quest (*the hero’s journey)
New Mexico
Put himself into a liminal space – leaving the secure and familiar, walking into the unknown
At some point, he will begin to meditate, wait for a vision – ancestors will tell him what he is meant to be
The “leap of faith”
Not supposed to tell anyone what he sees

The Serpent Mound (Hoppewellian)
Mississippian mounds
Cahokia was large
Pilgrimmage route was visited by many people from different areas
Noticed that the curves of the snake matched the solar alignments – four divisions
Around 1070, there was a supernova and Halley’s comet
What if the serpent was really a comet?

The basis for Ritual Life – corn husk masks from the Iroquois
Created by and danced by women
Masks relate direct back to agriculture and the earth are made from that material
Danced at the time of planning and the time of harvest
Open mouthed and open eyed reflecting talking

Kachina was a cloud reflecting the earth and weather

The Sacred Pipe
Accompanied prayers, song, music
Smoke became the super highway for the ritual – to communicate with the Gods

Ruisdael – artist, Dutch Baroque painter
Breaking away from the Spanish – landscape painting emerges
Once they become an independent nation – there was a surge of Nationalism
William of Orange led
This land is who we are and is our land
A Religion based on a newfound sense of patriotism and nationalism
Same is true for America – after the War of 1812

The Hudson River school of painters
Celebrated the power of America through the power of it’s land (Cole)
Also going through our Industrial Revolution which was destroying the land
Loss of frontier/open land will rob Americans of what the country was founded on
“The Expulsion from Eden”
“Sun tunnels” is a project that is tied into the relationship to a larger solar, cosmic reality (*created by earth artists)
debris that is tainting pristine land


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