Monday, March 13, 2006

  1. Models of the Cosmos
  2. Models of Perfection and the Ideal
  3. Ambulatory = a place where you walk/Circumambulate = to walk in a circle or walk around
  4. Axis Mundi
    1. difference between the absolute center such as the vatican and the the center per culture
  5. Borobadur/ Indonesia
  6. Mahadeva Temple of Khajuraho, India
  7. San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy
  8. Chartes Cathedral, France - the building itself is a mandala
    1. arranged with the sunrise in the east
    2. jerusalem in the west
    3. a pilgrimmage for each individual takes place within the building
  9. Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

  • discussion of Mandala's
    • always the center of your sacred world
    • labyrinth's are part of some of the structures
      • single entrance, single center ->never take you to a dead end

  • Tibetan Sand Painting of the Compassionate Buddha
    • requires meditation
    • use natural resources to make
    • temporary/impermanent ->goes back to nature
    • precision, accuracy, ideal,directional
    • a structure that's been flattened into a 2D art form
    • monk sweeps up sand when it's done and finds flowing water to take the sand away
    • starts in the center and work way out
  • God the Architect
    • based on the book of Genesis
    • idea of perfection
    • once believed that the earth was the center of the universe "terracentric" belief
    • Galeleo noticed that the stars were moving -> "heliocentric" belief


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