Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Ancient Persia

  1. Achaemenid c 559-331 bce
  2. Persepolis c 518 - 480 bce (Norooz/New Years)
  3. Zoroaster (Zarathustra or Zartosht)
    1. Dualism
    2. Avesta - scriptures
    3. Asha (order) vs Drug (confusion)
    4. Gatha (spiritual poems that deal with balance and order (Asha))
    5. Ahura Mazda - Wise Lord (Ohrmazd)
    6. Angra Mainyu - Hostile Spirit (Ahriman)
    7. Magus - singular (Magi - plural)
    8. Daevas (demons)
    9. Mithras (God of sun, light and convenance) and Anahita (Goddess of Fertility)


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