Wednesday, April 05, 2006


6 Rabi I 1427 (April 5, 2006) (7 Nissan 5766)

Shahada: There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet

Hajj - pilgrimmage

Mecca (Makkah) and Medinah

Bismallah - In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate

Five Pillars of Faith (Islam was built around...)
  1. Shahada - The Declaration of Faith
  2. Salah- Prayer five times a day
  3. Alms/Zakah - recognition of the poor, giving to poor
  4. Fasting (Ramadan)
  5. Hajj - tribut to Mecca, visit the Mosk and the Kabbah
Qu'ran and Hadith

  • teacher
  • leader
  • community head
  • issues related to faith and community

Ka'aba (in Mecca) = cube
  • black stone in Ka'aba from Angel Gabriel

Shia (direct descent through Ali of Mohammed)
  • same family line as Jesus, etc..

Sunni (by election from Mohammed's tribe)

Aspects of a Mosque:
  1. Qibla - ibla (قبلة ) is an Arabic word referring to the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays.
  2. Muqarnas - It usually consists of three-dimensional wedge forms that are combined into intricate designs to create honeycomb patterns on walls, vaults, and domes.
  3. Mihrab - The alcove (indentation) in a side of the mosque that points in the direction of Mecca
  4. Minaret - Tower associated with the Mosque

Prayer Rug --->

check out this for a real definition for a Mosque


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