Monday, April 24, 2006

4.24 Buddhism

Prince Gautama Shakyamuni


4 Truths:
  1. Life is sorrowful (suffering)
  2. Cause of sorrow is desire
  3. Suppress desire to end sorrow
  4. Follow 8 fold path to release
    1. right speech
    2. livelihood
    3. action
    4. effort
    5. mindfulness
    6. concentration
    7. opinion
    8. intention
Theravada (ascetic)
  • earliest form of Buddhism
  • Hinyana = the lesser vehicle
  • spread through India ->Central Asia -> China
    • Ming-Ti had a dream of the Buddha
Mahayana (= greater vehicle)
  • most common form of buddhism
  • meet the needs of everyday people
  • individual that has attained the ability to become a Buddha
  • acheived the ability to de-matieralize and enter Nirvana

4 "m's" for the path to enlightenment and release:
  1. Mandala's (sacred diagrams)
  2. Mantras (reitations/prayers)
  3. Mudras (ritual gestures)
  4. Meditation (rid mind of worldly froms)

Three forms of architecture
  1. stupa (burial mound)
  2. monastery (vihara)
  3. chaitya ("place of worship") hall

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

4.19 India

  • Oldest civilizations to study
  • roots go back at least 5000 ya

Harappin civilizations
  • type site name *unlike ancient Egypt, ancient China etc..* although there is a script the language has not yet been deciphered
  • Mohenjo-Daro
  • Siva Nataraja
  • Vedic - the basic Hindu texts and Gods
Hindu India
  1. Brahman - transcendent self (immaterial)
  2. Atman - the infinite self (identity)
  3. Rita - correct action or truth (order)
  4. Veda - knowledge (Vedic period c 1500-500 bce)
    1. texts that underlie all Hindu society
  5. Upanishad - last of the Vedic texts written as parables treatises on the nature of the individual, the cosmos, and existence
Kama = desire
Karma = measure of one's existence through one's acts and every act produces an effect that must find fulfillment
Dharma = responsibility
Rasa - essence (nonmaterial)
Siva (Destroyer)
Brahman ( Creator)
Kandarya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho
  • faces East (towards rising sun)
  • temple a vehicle to help focus and concentrate on God
  • no congregation in this temple
  • 3D of a mandala
Standard for Indian temple architecture:
  • Womb (light into darkness/ material to immaterial)
  • Cult image (Siva Lingam)
  • Bakti - devotion
  • Puya - offerings
  • Darsan - gazing
Kailasa (Siva) Temple at Ellora
  • story of shaking of mountain
  • shiva dancing

Monday, April 17, 2006

4.17 The Medieval Church (1000CE)
  • dealt with millineumists
  • beleived the end of the world
  • God didn't take em because they weren't ready

Ramanesque - refers to the shape of the arch and considered modern

Abbey church of Vezelay (dedicated to St. Lazereth)
  • Church of Sant- Marie- Madeleine (dedicated to Mary Magdelon)
Gothic - in reference to barberic

  • Notre Dame de Chartres
Relic/Reliquary - sacred object
  • see the development of the Virgin Mary
  • there was no such thing as a finished cathedral, built on a "have money" basis
  • a complete Gothic Cathedral is supposed to have 7 spires
    • 7 is a ritually significant number
    • carefully arranged geometrically

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


symbols/ icons = memory jogging devices

  • fish
    • prime way of survival
    • Jesus said he was going to make fishers of men
    • A sign was hung above Jesus during crucifiction that read "Jesus Christ (the risen one) King of the Jews" = first letter of this sign *in Greek translates to FISH ->symbol therefor deals with the crucifiction of Christ
    • a fish symbol meant = you'll be safe here
    • fish + basket of bread
Language of Early Christianity spread beyond Jewish following

Statues/Idols were used traditionally as a way to connect with faith
  • as demographics change -> images shifted
  • visual language begins to spread
  • statues of Christ began to be constructed
  • Christians were defying the divinity fo the Emporor and considered treason
Feast of the Virgin
Feast of the Annunciation

typology -> foreshadowing

basilica = a court of law
  • every emporer built a basillica to himself
  • long and narrow
  • side entrances
  • semi-circular area on each side (apfe)
  • open space in the center

Monday, April 10, 2006


Temple of Solomon

Dome of the Rock ->Al-harem al-Sharif (Temple Mount)
al- baraq (the horse)
masjid -> a place of worship

all Agness Mosque

sacred sites
  • place to find oneself
  • a place of trade, commerce and politics

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


6 Rabi I 1427 (April 5, 2006) (7 Nissan 5766)

Shahada: There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet

Hajj - pilgrimmage

Mecca (Makkah) and Medinah

Bismallah - In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate

Five Pillars of Faith (Islam was built around...)
  1. Shahada - The Declaration of Faith
  2. Salah- Prayer five times a day
  3. Alms/Zakah - recognition of the poor, giving to poor
  4. Fasting (Ramadan)
  5. Hajj - tribut to Mecca, visit the Mosk and the Kabbah
Qu'ran and Hadith

  • teacher
  • leader
  • community head
  • issues related to faith and community

Ka'aba (in Mecca) = cube
  • black stone in Ka'aba from Angel Gabriel

Shia (direct descent through Ali of Mohammed)
  • same family line as Jesus, etc..

Sunni (by election from Mohammed's tribe)

Aspects of a Mosque:
  1. Qibla - ibla (قبلة ) is an Arabic word referring to the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays.
  2. Muqarnas - It usually consists of three-dimensional wedge forms that are combined into intricate designs to create honeycomb patterns on walls, vaults, and domes.
  3. Mihrab - The alcove (indentation) in a side of the mosque that points in the direction of Mecca
  4. Minaret - Tower associated with the Mosque

Prayer Rug --->

check out this for a real definition for a Mosque

Monday, April 03, 2006

4.3 From the Temple to the Synagogue

  1. First Temple ca. 950 BCE (des 587 BCE)
  2. Second Temple ca 535 BCE (Expansion of #2 - ca. 40BCE)
  3. Destruction 70 CE
a Temple without Idols - aniconic

  1. as a Bet Midrash (House of Study)
  2. as a Bet Haknesset (House of Gathering)
  3. Dura Europos (destroyed 256 CE)
Torah (5 books of Moses)

Bima and Ark