Monday, April 24, 2006

4.24 Buddhism

Prince Gautama Shakyamuni


4 Truths:
  1. Life is sorrowful (suffering)
  2. Cause of sorrow is desire
  3. Suppress desire to end sorrow
  4. Follow 8 fold path to release
    1. right speech
    2. livelihood
    3. action
    4. effort
    5. mindfulness
    6. concentration
    7. opinion
    8. intention
Theravada (ascetic)
  • earliest form of Buddhism
  • Hinyana = the lesser vehicle
  • spread through India ->Central Asia -> China
    • Ming-Ti had a dream of the Buddha
Mahayana (= greater vehicle)
  • most common form of buddhism
  • meet the needs of everyday people
  • individual that has attained the ability to become a Buddha
  • acheived the ability to de-matieralize and enter Nirvana

4 "m's" for the path to enlightenment and release:
  1. Mandala's (sacred diagrams)
  2. Mantras (reitations/prayers)
  3. Mudras (ritual gestures)
  4. Meditation (rid mind of worldly froms)

Three forms of architecture
  1. stupa (burial mound)
  2. monastery (vihara)
  3. chaitya ("place of worship") hall


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