Wednesday, April 12, 2006


symbols/ icons = memory jogging devices

  • fish
    • prime way of survival
    • Jesus said he was going to make fishers of men
    • A sign was hung above Jesus during crucifiction that read "Jesus Christ (the risen one) King of the Jews" = first letter of this sign *in Greek translates to FISH ->symbol therefor deals with the crucifiction of Christ
    • a fish symbol meant = you'll be safe here
    • fish + basket of bread
Language of Early Christianity spread beyond Jewish following

Statues/Idols were used traditionally as a way to connect with faith
  • as demographics change -> images shifted
  • visual language begins to spread
  • statues of Christ began to be constructed
  • Christians were defying the divinity fo the Emporor and considered treason
Feast of the Virgin
Feast of the Annunciation

typology -> foreshadowing

basilica = a court of law
  • every emporer built a basillica to himself
  • long and narrow
  • side entrances
  • semi-circular area on each side (apfe)
  • open space in the center


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