Monday, May 15, 2006

5.15 Civil Religion

"a purley civil profession of faith of which the Sovereign should fis the articles, not exactly as religious dogmas, but as scoial sentiments without which a man cannot be a good citizen or a faithful subject"
The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762)

Extends ideas of patriotism and nationalism throughj the process of sanctification (a country blessed by God)

Element: Myths, Rituals, Ethics, Aethetics, Doctrines, Social Institutions

Example of American Myths:
  1. Washington and His Cherry Tree - moral = better to tell the truth than to lie
  2. Paul Revere
  3. Stories of Thanksgiving
  4. Betsey Ross
American Rituals:
  1. Memorial Day
  2. 4th of July
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. Columbus Day
  5. Martin Luther King Day
Lecture on Ethics

Symbolic Architecture ex) church, hot dog stand, Independance Hall
  • neoclassic represented democracy - Washington re-designed what democracy looked like in America
  • Penn. is the birthplace of American constitution, Dec. of Indepen., etc...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

(*missed 5.8*)

Niwa and sansui
  • dry vs. wet
  • strolling vs. viewing
  • Tea Garden (Roji)
Wabi-sabi = "imperfect beauty"
  • nothing is permanent or finished
  • everything is constantly changing
  • be careful not to use evolve which is very linear &/or getting better
  • it's just different
Nature vs. Culture

Amida and Pure Land Paradise

Ryoanji and the Raked (Zen) Garden
  • eastern world vs. western world = non formal vs formal
  • japanese formal = asymetrical, flow in the natural world a bit more
  • western formal = unnatural shapes

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

5.3 Chinese Landscape Painting and the Tao

Lao-Tzu (Laozi)

The Dao (the Book of The Way)

"everything flows"
  • Wu Hua (Transformations)
  • Wu Wei (Passive acceptance)
Prine An and Philosophical Taoism (2nd century ce)
  • "be calm" and "go easy"
Feng Shui (geomancy)
  • Feng - wind and abstract
  • Shui - water and material
Positive energy (qi) and negative energy (sha)

"A painting takes meaning when it is infused with the breath (life force) of the painter and the painter's energy." (Hsieh Ho)

Song Dynasty (960 - 1279)
  • Fan Kuan (late 10th century - Northern)
  • Ma Yuan (early 13th century - Southern)
Six Laws of painting (Xie He - mid 6th century)
  • spirit consonance and life movement
  • structural strength in use of brush
  • fidelity to object
  • correct color
  • proper placing and disposition
  • transmission of ancient masters by copying
Li Cheng (10th Century)
  • Solitary Temple Amid Clearing Peaks
Ma Yuan
  • Landscape in the Rain
  • Scholar Contemplating a tree
Dong Qichang
  • Landscape in the manner of an Old Master (1611)
Guan Daosheng
  • 10,000 Bamboo Poles in a Cloudy Mist (1308)
Wen Zhengming
  • Cypress and Rock (15th Century)

Monday, May 01, 2006


Confuscious (Kung Fu-Tzu) - c 551-479 bce
  • filial peity and family responsibility
  • Book of Documents (Analects)
  • the "Great Learning"
  • Mandate of Heaven (T'ien Ming)
  • "ren" - right order
*jade is considered a material of confusciousism
*it has strong spiritual significance

The Sian warriors near the Western Border of China
  • Qin Dynasty
  • remind of the reasons for the Great wall being built
    • invasions coming out of W and moving to the E of China
  • T'ang Dynasty came later