Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Ancient Persia

  1. Achaemenid c 559-331 bce
  2. Persepolis c 518 - 480 bce (Norooz/New Years)
  3. Zoroaster (Zarathustra or Zartosht)
    1. Dualism
    2. Avesta - scriptures
    3. Asha (order) vs Drug (confusion)
    4. Gatha (spiritual poems that deal with balance and order (Asha))
    5. Ahura Mazda - Wise Lord (Ohrmazd)
    6. Angra Mainyu - Hostile Spirit (Ahriman)
    7. Magus - singular (Magi - plural)
    8. Daevas (demons)
    9. Mithras (God of sun, light and convenance) and Anahita (Goddess of Fertility)

Monday, March 20, 2006



  1. Ur (Ur of the Chaldesees/ Tell Muqayyar)
    1. Nanna (moon) - protector of Ur
    2. Ur = The First
  2. Ziggurat (Foundations of Heaven and Earth)
    1. Ziggurat of Ur
  3. Ur Nammu ->Ruler of Earth
  4. Nanna
  5. Lamasu- a composite deity
    1. combines 4 differant images
    2. shares traits from multiple images
    3. Human, Eagle, Ox and Lion
  6. Cuneiform - a writing system

Tablet of Ur Nammu


Wonderful Summary of Sumerians

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

  1. Egyptian (Kemet) Temples and Religion
  2. Ma'at (order) vs. Nun (void)
  3. Finite Model of the Universe
  4. Location/Mediator to affirm oder over chaos
  5. Links tooriginal creation-replayed every day at dawn
  6. Book of the dead:
    1. Anubis - jackle headed God
      1. guide for when you die
      2. come up to judgement ->based on life that you had led
    2. Thoth - Ibis headed God (bird with long beak)
      1. scribe *always has a tool
      2. writing down the judgement *writing was power and status
    3. Negative Confessions
      1. soul is weighed ->look at everything that has not been done
      2. feather with a jar that hold's your Ma/Essence and if your essence is heavier than the feather -> you're s.o.l
3 Powerful Dieties
  • Osiris = God of the Dead and the Underworld
  • Isis = Wife and Sister, goddess of Agriculture
  • Seth = Personification of Chaos and Confusion
  • Horus = son and the living King

Mystery Cults = deal with death and rebirth

Necropolis = Land of the Dead
  • Giza
  • Valley of the Kings
  • Valley of the Queens
Tomb of Nefertari

Karnak and Luxor (largest complex of temples, dedicated to Amun/Ra)

discussion of the Pyramids
  • power behind the pyramid symbol due to the Egyptian pyramids
  • mastaba = stepped pyramid
  • symbol of resurrection from one from to another
  • First Kingdom
  • First Intermediate Period
  • Middle Kingdom (lasts 400 years) 2040-1450
  • New Kingdom 1550 - 1070
Egypt is more that the Pyramids or the Sphinx
*Upper Egypt is the origin of the Nile*(map)
  • Upper appears lower and Lower appears to be Upper
  • East is the World of the Living
  • West of the Nile ->Valley of the Kings, Queens (tombs)
    • Land of the Dead
Kemet = The Land of Black Soil/The Black Land ->the rich soil
Desert = The Land of Red Soil ->non-agriculturally profitable

Monday, March 13, 2006

  1. Models of the Cosmos
  2. Models of Perfection and the Ideal
  3. Ambulatory = a place where you walk/Circumambulate = to walk in a circle or walk around
  4. Axis Mundi
    1. difference between the absolute center such as the vatican and the the center per culture
  5. Borobadur/ Indonesia
  6. Mahadeva Temple of Khajuraho, India
  7. San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy
  8. Chartes Cathedral, France - the building itself is a mandala
    1. arranged with the sunrise in the east
    2. jerusalem in the west
    3. a pilgrimmage for each individual takes place within the building
  9. Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

  • discussion of Mandala's
    • always the center of your sacred world
    • labyrinth's are part of some of the structures
      • single entrance, single center ->never take you to a dead end

  • Tibetan Sand Painting of the Compassionate Buddha
    • requires meditation
    • use natural resources to make
    • temporary/impermanent ->goes back to nature
    • precision, accuracy, ideal,directional
    • a structure that's been flattened into a 2D art form
    • monk sweeps up sand when it's done and finds flowing water to take the sand away
    • starts in the center and work way out
  • God the Architect
    • based on the book of Genesis
    • idea of perfection
    • once believed that the earth was the center of the universe "terracentric" belief
    • Galeleo noticed that the stars were moving -> "heliocentric" belief
get notes from

3.1, 3.6 and 3.8